The light body and the life force are essential components of several ancient wisdom traditions. The light body is often described a as a higher dimensional field of our physical body, and the life force as vitality flowing through us in a intricate network. Together they facilitate the experience of life itself. Below is a list of some of the ways I understand the concepts expressed in different spiritual traditions:
In Hinduism, the light body is often referred to as the “Sukshma Sharira” or subtle body. It comprises an intricate network of nadis (energy channels) and chakras (energy centers). The subtle body is the conduit for prana (life force). Practices in yoga, especially pranayama, aim to purify and activate the subtle energy system. The kundalini is closely related to prana, but not the same. Prana is the general life force flowing throughout the body, and kundalini is a concentrated force that lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is awakened. When kundalini starts to move upwards to spine, and flushes the energy centers, one opens up to higher states of consciousness.
In Buddhism, the concept of the light body is symbolized by the “Rainbow Body”, and it appear when a person attain a certain state of enlightenment. The rainbow colors describes how it looks from the outside, when the physical body of an advanced practitioner dissolves into light. This normally happens upon death, and some parts of the physical dense body is left behind. Exceptional practitioners can achieve this before death, and leave no trace of the dense body, they fully transform into rainbow light.
Taoism and Chinese Philosophy:
Taoists seek to refine their vital essence (qi or chi) to transform the physical and spiritual self, achieving a state of immortality and spiritual evolution. The process of inner alchemy is called neidan or jindan – the way of the golden elixir. The concept of chi, as a life force that must circulate well for sustained health, is deeply embed in ancient Chinese philosophy and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In Sufi mysticism, the light body is known as the “Nafs al-natiqah” or “Speaking Self.” Sufis aim to purify the self from ego-driven desires and attachments to awaken the light of divine consciousness within.
In Jewish mysticism, the light body is symbolized by the “Merkabah,” a sacred geometric figure that represents the spiritual vehicle through which one can ascend to higher dimensions of reality. The term is composed by «Mer» meaning «light», «ka» meaning «spirit», and «ba» meaning «body». The vehicle consist of two teatrahedrons, one pointing upwards (masculine energy), the other downwards (feminine energy). Meditation and visualization techniques are employed to activate and engage with the merkaba.
Ancient Egyptian Mysticism:
In ancient Egyptian beliefs, the light force is called the “Ka.” It is an etheric duplicate of the physical body and is considered the essence of the individual. Rituals are performed to sustain and nourish the Ka.
Indigenous Traditions:
Various indigenous cultures have conveyed the light body concept through different terms and symbols. For example, in Native American traditions, it is referred to as the “Spirit” or “Spiritual Essence,” while in Australian Aboriginal beliefs, it may be known as the “Dreamtime Body.”
Shamanic Traditions:
In shamanic practices worldwide, the light body is seen as the bridge between the physical and spirit worlds. Shamans may journey into higher realms using their light bodies to gain knowledge, wisdom, and healing.
Modern Spiritual Movements:
In recent spiritual movements in the West, the light body has been associated with the aura, an energetic field emanating from the physical body. Reiki, crystal healing, and direct energy work focus on balancing and cleansing the energy body, in order to well-being and spiritual ascension. The Higher Self is a state of expanded consciousness and interconnectedness with all of existence, and the state of the light body determine how open the communication is between the lower and higher Self. Lower and higher are to describe numbers of dimension, and they are all located at the same place.
These are just a few examples of how the concept of the light body and life force has been conveyed. While the terminology and symbols vary, the underlying essence remains.
The Alchemical Journey
The refinement of the light body is an alchemical journey – a process that transmutes the lead of our lower self into the gold of our higher self. This journey moves in a spiral dance of awakening and integration, and maybe some tools at this website can help you on your path. I believe the number one key to access higher planes of consciousness is to release resistance. This way, the life force and information can flow.