Why are you here?

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Living an authentic life involves openness to experiences, honest self-reflection, and a commitment to one’s true values. Here are five critical questions everyone should ask themselves, along with detailed explanations and exercises to help uncover the answers.

1. Who Am I at My Core?


This question delves into understanding your true self beyond societal roles, expectations, and external influences. It’s about recognizing your inherent values, beliefs, and passions.

Exercise: Self-Discovery Journal

  • Step 1: Set aside 10-15 minutes each day for journaling.
  • Step 2: Reflect on moments when you felt most yourself. Write about these experiences in detail.
  • Step 3: Identify common themes, feelings, or activities that consistently appear in these moments.
  • Step 4: Summarize your findings in a few sentences or a short paragraph describing your core identity.

2. What Do I Value Most in Life?


Understanding your core values helps you make decisions aligned with what truly matters to you. This question is about identifying the principles that guide your behavior and choices.

Exercise: Values Clarification

  • Step 1: Write a list of values (e.g., honesty, freedom, compassion, success, family, etc.).
  • Step 2: Rank these values from most important to least important.
  • Step 3: Reflect on situations where you had to prioritize one value over another. How did it feel? What does this tell you about your priorities?
  • Step 4: Create a personal values statement that articulates your top three to five values and what they mean to you.

3. What Is My Purpose?


Purpose gives life direction and meaning. It’s about understanding what drives you, what impact you want to make, and how you want to contribute to the world.

Exercise: Visualization

  • Step 1: Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
  • Step 2: Take several deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Step 3: Visualize your ideal life five to ten years from now. Picture your surroundings, the people you’re with, and your actions.
  • Step 4: Reflect on the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment in this vision. What common threads can you identify?
  • Step 5: Write down your vision and any insights about your purpose that emerged during the visualization.

4. What Are My Strengths and Weaknesses?


Being aware of your strengths allows you to leverage them effectively, while understanding your weaknesses helps you seek growth and support in areas where you may struggle.

Exercise: SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

  • Step 1: Divide a sheet of paper into four quadrants labeled Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
  • Step 2: In the Strengths quadrant, list your skills, talents, and positive attributes.
  • Step 3: In the Weaknesses quadrant, write down areas where you feel less competent or confident.
  • Step 4: In the Opportunities quadrant, identify external factors or trends you can take advantage of based on your strengths.
  • Step 5: In the Threats quadrant, note external challenges or obstacles that could hinder your progress.
  • Step 6: Reflect on this analysis to gain a balanced understanding of yourself and develop strategies for leveraging strengths and addressing weaknesses.

5. How Can I Live in Alignment with My True Self?


This question focuses on practical steps to ensure that your daily actions, decisions, and interactions reflect your authentic self.

Exercise: Daily Alignment Check

  • Step 1: At the end of each day, take a few minutes to reflect on your actions and decisions.
  • Step 2: Ask yourself whether these actions and decisions were aligned with your core identity, values, and purpose.
  • Step 3: Identify moments where you felt inauthentic or out of alignment. What caused this disconnect?
  • Step 4: Make a plan for the next day to address these disconnects and reinforce behaviors that reflect your true self.
  • Step 5: Keep a daily log of these reflections to track your progress over time.

By regularly asking and reflecting on these questions, and engaging in these exercises, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.